Dear Guest, 

Cunda Ilios is located in the center of Cunda Peninsula, in 2 minutes walking distance to seaside and the restaurants near the sea. We are located down the ancient wind mill and above the Koc museum, old ancient Taksiyarhis Church. There are two entrances in our hotel, one is on the lobby floor, and the other one is on the garden floor. We are at the hotel for 24 hours, so you can call us if you have any needs at the hotel. 

   Our guests, who would like to arrive the hotel by car should call us before they arrive, we will send a road description video which will lead you to the hotel. Cunda Ilios is an old building in the ancient city, in a narrow street so we dont have a parking area but you can drive to our hotel and we get your luggages, bring them to your room. We will direct you the closest distant private parking places, there is one in our next street. Another option is to come to the autopark you parked already and bring your luggages to the hotel, we help bothways. Please contact with us before your arrival. 


   Cunda Ilios Road Description:


 You cross two bridges before you come to Cunda, the second one is the little narrow bridge which is also the first bridge of Turkey. When you pass the second bridge, the road splits into two, both of them arrives to Cunda but you should go from the right one. It is called the old road the sea will stand by your rightside all the way. When the sea ends, the hotels and the markets begin do appear. There is a supermarket called 3D on your right, you are going to pass it. Then you will see Labris Hotel on your left, you will turn left to climb the hill. The road is old and stoney, but it will bring you to us. We are driving from this road everyday, dont panic. 

When you turn left from Labris Hotel, Cunda Ilios direction signs start. When you continue on the right and finish the hill, the road turns right, with the first or second left turn, the road comes down to the ancient ruined church. When you go downhill, leaving the ruined church on your right behind, you reach My Way Cunda Parking Lot on the left. You can leave your car there, call us, we will come there to meet your luggage. Or you can go down one more street, make a full U, leave Ciao Pizza and Pita Hotel behind, go up, and drive to the front of our hotel.



  İf you are coming to Cunda center by car, there are autoparks in the center. One of them is huge and very at the beginning in the entrance of Cunda Center. Its name is MERKEZ OTOPARK. (CENTRAL AUTOPARK). When you see Merkez Otopark sign, turn left to the opposite street of the Parking Lot and continue until Koç Museum. Continue across, leaving Koç Museum on your left and Rituel (a restaurant) right finish the street. When you finish the street, turn left and you will go up the hill, we mean the street. When you finish the street, you will turn right from the garbage containers you see. Ciao Pizza and Pita Hotel will be in front of you, when you put Pita Hotel on your right and Ciao Pizza on your left, the road splits into 2, if you continue on the left, Cunda Ilios will be 50 meters above, on the left. If you continue on the right and finish the street, you will reach My Way Cunda parking lot. If you come to the hotel, we will get your luggages and lead you to a parking lot afterwards. 


Transportation by Car

Transportation on foot